
Thoughts on Motherhood

So this week, there was another AA baby to post that is available for pick up on Monday, March 19th. We prayed about it and decided that this was not the one for us. It turned out that our homestudy was not done, so we couldn't reply, even if we wanted to. Now that things are beginning to come down to the wire, I am getting very nervous about motherhood and if I am really cut out for this.

This week at work didn't help much either. For a few days, I worked until 7PM and came in at 7AM, which in my opinion, is insane, but needed. I have no plans at this point to stay home once our child arrives or to cut back my hours, but I am now feeling lead to reinvestigate this thing. Becasue my salary is so high, praise the Lord, it does not make sense for me to come home full time and I do not feel that it is justifiable and in all honesty, being a SAHM is not for me. I have this fear of loosing myself/identity as I move into motherhood, becasue I have worked for eight years with a career that I love and for a position that I love. It probably sounds vain to say that I do not want to give that up, but it is the truth. So, I will look into cutting back my hours and working out some work from home arrangement once I return to work.

I would like to hear from some of my SAH blog mommy's! How did you make the change from career to motherhood? How long were you working in your old positions/jobs before you started a family? I feel strange creating this post but it has been weighing on me. Take care and you all be blessed!



Spirit of Adoption said...

Hey girl : ) I'm probably not the best person to share my thoughts here ; ) I LONGED to be at home with LOTS of kiddos for a LONG time!!! So, working was never something I wanted to do...it was a JOY to say goodbye to the "working" world!!! I was a social worker, working at a preg care center, working with birthmothers. I enjoyed that position though I didn't enjoy the fact that I couldn't be their friend outside of work - there's a lot of boundaries for social workers that just don't work for me. My husband and I were also houseparents at a children's home.....challenging, but good. Those positions did nothing but give me more of a desire to be at home and to have the freedom to open my own home to needs (such as a pregnant teen/woman in need of a place to live until her baby is born or a teenager in need of adoption (which is something we do desire to do at some point LATER) or someplace to live for a season, ect. Anyhow, so, making the "switch" was something I was ready to do LONG before the Lord called me to make the switch!!! The Lord moved our hearts to cut back and make some pretty crazy financial sacrifices for me to stay home when we started the adoption process (a year before we actually adopted) - that was a GREAT season of preparing our home and lives for little ones!!!

However, I DO have several friends who were teachers....all 3 of the ones I'm thinking of, in fact! : ) And they all thought they'd continue working. One of them decided not to go back to work at all. One of them works 2 days a wk. The other one works part time. So, none of them stayed full time, though they all thought they would! A couple of them made the decision before their babies were born. One of them made the decision after her baby was born and she tried to go back full time. She just felt she couldn't serve her family the way she desired AND fulfill her duties as a full time teacher. She's a very LOVED teacher, so they really worked with her on that!!!

It's GREAT for you to be thinking about that right now....not strange at all! It's a big season for you - these are the exact things you should be thinking about as a soon to be mommy!!! : )

Anonymous said...

i don't know you but somehow came across your blog and wanted to say this. i really appreciate your honesty in this area. i am a stay home mom of 2 and 1 on the way. while i have always stayed home with my kids. i think it is so important to keep your identity because it is who you are. being a mom is wonderful but it isn't my only identity either. i am also a student and finishing up my degree in psychology. i think some people actually think it is more spiritual to stay home with your kids but i would say it is a personal decision. i think you should read some good books on parenting as well as research on mom's who work and the benefits/disadvantages to kids
michael gurian writes amazing books :the wonder of girls as well as the wonder of boys.
i know several mom's who feel that they are better mom's because they do work and do have their own identity. i think you will also be amazed to know that finding good help, whether it is a wonderful daycare or extended family can be a really positive experience for your child. the final thing i would say is wait until you have some time with the baby until you decide. either way it will be the right choice...peace & love