
God is So Good

IIt is so hard to believe that in less than 12 hours, my DH and I will meet our baby girl. YES...I know that you are wondering if you missed something. last Thursday, after much prayer, Ken and I repsonded to a post with our agency for a 2 moth old baby girl born February 4th. I know that it was God, becasue I had my heart set on a newborn :). We both read the profile at different times and both had a feeling that this was the ONE. We always said that we would know it, but did not plan for it to happen so easily...PTLord!!!

Well, we left for Vegas on Sunday and the BM was shown profiles on Tuesday. She immediately chose us! Ken and I received a call about 6PM pacific/9PM eastern time from the BM's counselor. When we hung up with her, with cried tears of joy...we could not believe that the Lord loved us so much to give us this opportunity. So, I am off to bed now with visions of pink in my head and a heart ready to meet and receive our baby girl. I will try and post tomorrow with pictures.

I still cannot believe it, but it seems to all be real. Please keep us and the BM in prayer. Peace for her heart and ours as we ALL make this difficult transition. Be blessed!

Mama Nakira

1 comment:

DeAnna said...

WOW!!! PRAISE THE LORD! That is so amazing and you will definitely be in my prayers. How exciting to see the goodness of God. Can't wait to hear more and see pictures. :) Congratulations Mama!