This anniversary was different becasue we normally take a trip for our anniversary and this year, it was just not possible. Instead we had a short, precious time together...and we treasured it as such. We talked about the ups and downs that we had experienced and spoke a lot about our future together :)
I am so blessed that God place Ken in my life at the appointed time...just six months earlier and I would have let him go :( God knew exactly what I needed becasue he sent me a man that complements me in EVERY way. Where I am weak, he is strong; where I am compulsive, he is patient; where I am overly emotional, he is emotionally stable...I am always amazed at God's power when I look at Ken, feel him close to me or hear his deep Barry White voice! After five years, he still takes my breath away :)
I love you Boo-Boo along with all of your are perfect for me!!! Here is to five years and counting....

Happy anniversary! Isn't it wonderful? Smoochy and I celebrated 8 years last week and I continue to be amazed at our life's journey together. Can't wait to see the pic.
Happy anniversary!!!!!! I'm glad you got some time away together! It sounds like it was wonderful even if it was short this year!
Happy, happy 5 years, sister!!!!! Kayden IS a wonderful, incredible, precious 5th yr annivesary present from our LORD!!!!!!
speaking of - we need to see more pics of that girl! : )
Girl you make me sick. LOL --
But really, congratulations, you are an inspiration to me.
Happy Anniversary!!! My hubby and I will celebrate 11 years this year. For our 5th we took a big --we're not pregnant so we're definitely taking a trip - trip to Alaska, :) but then last year for our 10th, we went away over night instead of doing anything big. Our Amelia was only 5 months old and it was the same way for us, we knew that having 2 precious girls was the best gift ever. Ya'll are such a cute couple. And I'm with Shawnda, we need to see some more pics of that baby!!! :)
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