Okay, so let me admit that I am not one to deal at all with politics or current events...history has NEVER been my thing. My husband is constantly telling me that I need to get better at knowing something for conversation purposes, but I am just not amused. I say all of that to say that this post is very different for me, not something that I would write about, but hear goes.
Those of you that know me "personally" and "cyberly", know that I am pretty conservative person and recent events in my life have caused me to take a stance on things that I never had in the past :) As we embark on another set of presidential races, I so yearn for a candidate that is going to deal with real issues facing our country and Americans as a whole...republican or democrat...I do not care! As an individual that has a heart for the poor, I just feel like this always gets overlooked as we move to that Tuesday in November to vote.
Do not get me wrong, I AM opposed to gay marriage and find it sad that the sting of this lifestyle no longer exists in our society, because it is SO accepted. I AM also a new pro-lifer and feel that EVERY child should be given a chance at life, but I do not feel that these two items are things that we should base our vote on. Our last election hung heavenly on the moral vote, which was a nice change for America, but not one that addressed some of the issues that now plague us as a nation.
1. The Minimum Wage: $5.15/hour is not a way for ANYONE to make a living. That equates to $820/month. There is no where in our country where you can live off of that amount...if it exists, someone please point me in that direction. With the price of gas currently at $3.15 across the nation and set to reach $4.00 by the end of the summer, people will have to start deciding if it is more important to buy gas or simply get to work. The sad reality is that the average person that makes minimum wage does not/cannot own an automobile and must therefore depend on public transportation. As gas rates increase, so will the costs of using these public services. I could go on and on about this one, but I won't, becasue I am sure that you get the point.
2. The War: Need I say more. I am not sure of what we are fighting for now...due to ignorance, I must admit, but I do listen daily to the list of soliders, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters that we are loosing daily. I know that there is no easy answer for this one, but it would be nice to see some resolve soon.
3. Healthcare: As I carried Kayden to urgent care the first night that she was placed with us, I watched a 9/10 yo boy bleed in the waiting area. He had a gash over his eye that clearly needed stitches. My heart sank as his mother pleaded for him to be seen as she had left her medicaid card at home in a rush to have him seen. Overheairng this conversation, I spoke to the receptionist and let her know that I would cover his costs, if that would help him to be seen. Praise the Lord that he softened that receptionist heart who allowed him to be seen as long as the card was in the office the next day. This situation may sound extreme, but this is what folks without adequate healthcare have to deal with. I know that our society does not make it possible for our healthcare systems to exist like those in western countries, but we need to make it avaialble to all people. As I always explain to my husband, healthcare is needed by ALL people, no matter race, socio-economic class or age. I just wish that all Americans could understand that and move to regulate our healthcare system as much as possible, making it consistent for all people.
Well, I have rambled enough...I pray that I did not offend anyone. These are just a few things that have been weighing on my heart lately, as I watch the presidental debates, I would look for these three along with the two moral topics covered...they are all so important to me.
In His love....Nakira
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I hear ya! I totally agree!
I totally agree with you too!! I am also very conservative in my views and have mostly looked at moral issues...I am now hoping to look at many more issues that will concern my son's future.
Interesting points. I also agree!
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