
Happy First Father's Day

The day did not start off magical. Kayden had been sick with a cold since Wednesday, so sleep was scarce and we spent Friday night in the ER after mucus started to run out of her eye. Praise the Lord, that God is healing her little body...He is so good in faithful. And yes, if you are counting, that is two ER visits within the last three weeks....we are trying to break a record :)

So, after rising from the guest bedroom that I shared with Kayden for the evening, we surprised daddy with cards and gifts. Kayden got him 2 shirts and a pair of shorts and I got him tickets to the Steelers and Panthers game. I know that Ken was pooped, because he did even jump up and down like I expected...poor boo-boo!

Ken's only wish for the day was to get some rest and quiet, so Kayden and I headed to a baby shower of a fellow adoptee and then putzed around Target afterwards...that is dangerous! Daddy had seven hours all to himself, so what did he do. Well first, he put on the shorts and one of the shirts from his baby girl and he went to his favorite sub place and then to Barnes and Noble to read. That sounds so simple, but something that he really needed...I think that meant more to him than the gifts. Just a reminder that Daddy is never into the material stuff, although he loves his gadgets, but he values God's peace and balance. That time away is what he needed so that he could return to Kayden and I and be the best father and husband ever :)

I look forward to many more days watching Kayden and her Daddy. I pray that his relationship with her will somehow mirror the one that she will one day have with Christ and that this will draw her closer to Him...the most important father.

I am attaching a picture of Kayden and her daddy from Sunday.


Gwen said...

What a beautiful post! Thanks for the emai girl! I really needed it!

AFC said...

Kayden is so blessed to have parents like you.

DeAnna said...

(I didn't notice this post when I commented on the other.) You poor thing, I hope everything is ok now. We definitely all need that peace and quiet time away. Although I haven't had a chance to post about our Father's Day on my blog, I was thinking the same thing about how I hope my girls will always have a great relationship with their daddy and I was thinking of the great privilege and responsibility he has in their lives. Definitely causes me to pray for him (as well as myself) even more that we can draw close to God so they will see that example in us.