
Kayden Updates

On Sunday morning, Ken and I officially became parents, becasue we made our first emergency room visit. Ken and I both had baby dedications to attend on Sunday morning, so after sunset on Saturday night, I rushed out to get gifts and Ken and I were all excited about our Sunday plans. So, I go in to wake Kayden for her feeding and her left eight lid is swollen badly. I start to scream for Ken and I notice a terrible rash on her face, upper body and neck. I freaked out and started to cry. We rushed her to the ER fearing a spider bite. She was definitely bitten, by what, we have no idea. The docs said to chill out for the day and that the swelling would go down and that her eczema cream would clear up the rash. Well, by 9PM, she was almost back to normal. Monday, we had to look hard to see anything. God is so good, because things could have been a lot worse!!!

On Tuesday, kayden went in for her 4 month check up....and yes, SHOTS! She was a tropper and did very well. She cried on the table, but as soon as she saw daddy go to pick her up, she sighed and smiled a little between sobs. She did not run a fever at all this time and did not have the tight knots in her thigh muscles like before. We are glad that the round of shots are behind us. The doc told us that we could start solids ASAP, so she had 2 tablespoons of rice cereal for lunch. She ate all of it and then wanted the 6.5 ounces of milk left in the bottle. My mother gave me a great tip and told me not to spoon food into her mouth, but to place the spoon on her lip and let her just suck it, what great advice...it worked like a charm...thank you mama! So here are Kaydens stats:
- 14.5 lbs.
- 24 inches long
- starting to sit up without support...she leans forward but uses her hands to maintain balance...last about two to three minutes
- cutting teeth already...doc said that they would pop through any day now
- still cute as ever :)


DeAnna said...
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DeAnna said...

Sorry about the delete, I had crazy spelling errors and it bothered me. :) You are so right, as cute as ever!! She is adorable! You poor thing, I would have totally freaked out too. And any spider bites can be scary -- Isabella gets bit by even mosquitos and it swells up something terrible. When I read the story, I first did the "grab my heart and gasp" mommy thing and then I laughed at myself because I, for the most part, pride myself on being kind of a calm, let things roll off my back, my children fall, I don't worry unless they cry... kind of person. BUT, this reminded me of when Isabella was almost 1 1/2, she fell and hit the corner of a table (of course the corner that happened to not be covered because she kept pulling the protector off) it was right above her eye and I saw blood and started freaking out, I mean "Oh my goodness, what am I supposed to do, I'm going nuts" freaking out -- my husband was much calmer than I was. It wasn't even a ER visit type of thing that I should be freaking out about like you. It now makes me laugh because its like all of a sudden I became a different person when I became a mommy. :) I'm so glad things healed up quickly, such a scary thing to happen to a little baby.

Anonymous said...

OH your first emergency room visit! I am glad the cutie pie is ok. I know you had to be scared.

AFC said...

That's a precious picture. You've got the sweet baby girl pimpin in those cute outfits! hehe