This post comes after a visit to Gymboree at lunch last Thursday and I have to ask...don't people discipline their children anymore? Their is no way that I will EVER leave a store because of Kayden misbehaving. I will whisk her off to the nearest bathroom for a come to Jesus meeting and some laying on of hands in the biblical sense (Proverbs 13:24) . And then we will continue our shopping trip. I just do not ever want to be want of those parents that feel like they have no control over their children or what their children do.
Disclaimer: I am not talking about outright beating, but about a pop on the hand or bottom. I do not want folks to call DSS on me.
I really believe that children crave discipline just like adults do...very similar to our relationship with our heavenly father. I think that discipline gives a child balance, serves as a means for independence for the child and brings peace to the overall household.
Balance: Children need to learn that things will not always go as they would like for them to...just as it occurs in our adult life. Allowing a child the chance to do whatever he/she wants without any form of consequences sets them up for failure as they grow older. I can only speak for myself, but I want to give Kayden a fair chance at life which means letting her see the hard time realities as appropriate. This is not always easy, but necessary and no one ever promised me that parenting would be.
Independence: Once a toddler/child understands that there is a consequence for EVERY action, whether being obedient or disobedient, they learn to make better choices. If my child hits me whenever if or she is angry and never receives discipline, then he/she will grow to think that this is a normal behavior. The child may never find other ways to deal with anger besides hitting. Yes, this may be an extreme situation, but it is an easy one that drives the point home.
Peace in the Home: As the mother of a 15 month old, I need all of the peace in my home that I can get. Having Kayden disciplined helps the three of us to get a lot of it. Ken and I are not focused constantly on dealing with the disobedient behaviors of a child, but rather quick correction and learning from our correction is part of Kayden's everyday life. And don't think that we do not learn lessons in our disciplining of Kayden because it causes us to examine our character and behaviors as well to make sure that those "learned" traits are not ones that she has picked up from us.
I am sure that this message may rub some folks the wrong way, but as a Christian mother and wife, I want the Lord to be pleased with all that I do in and out of my home. Disciplining Kayden is one way that we feel that we are honoring the gift that he has entrusted to us. Kayden is not ours...she belongs to the Lord...we have been charged to raise her. I would love to hear comments from fellow parents (parents-to-be).
In His love...Nakira
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I totally agree with everything you said.
I am so glad you had the guts to post this! We have recently had to stop having playdates with two friends because the kids were SO unruly and SO disrepectful to their mom. As a result, my little guy started acting the same way (luckily, it passed as we told him in no uncertain terms that it was not unacceptable in our house). The only way kids can learn is we can set boundaries and limits for them. And of course, the best way is to teach and lead by example! I think you guys are setting a great example!
Oh I so agree. I don't have the time or inclination to let Lovegirl act all willy-nilly - in public or at home!
The thing that we're currently wrestling with is her behavior at pre-school. Apparently she's been giving lip to her "academic" teacher which I was unaware of because by the time I pick her up, the "after care" teachers are on duty, and I get good reports from them. I was really shocked when her teacher told me how she's been behaving during the school day - I don't ever want to be one of those "not my child" parents, and have been working to correct her behavior. My mom warned me that children do not behave the same way at school as they do at home - once again, she was right. We have been having some serious talks, a few spankings, and hopefully this jazzy talking stage will pass quickly.
I don't know how people raise children without much love, discipline and prayer!!!
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