
A New Year

Hello Blog world and happy new year! I decided to change the color of my page for the new year and I working to update the avatar with a photo of the family...that will happen before the end of the year:) Our holidays were good and busy! Kayden had a great time celebrating the birth of Jesus...I cannot wait until she can fully understand what that means (there will be no Santa in our house). We had a Christmas Eve filled with the TRUE Christmas story and a family prayer that included my in laws...what a blessing!

Our new year was spent in Myrtle Beach, a trip that we take annually. Things were different with Kayden; we were in each night before seven (her bed time). So now, we are back to the grind and planning a one year party for Kayden. We have invited way too many kids but we the decision was made to only do ice cream and cake, so hopefully things will not get too crazy on the 3rd of February.

Our trip to Disneyworld was GREAT! Taking my MIL along was the best thing that we could have ever done...THANK YOU JESUS! Unfortunately, we did not take the digital camera, only the video, so I am still waiting on still shots from my DH. We did take some photos in the park using Disney photographers but thos photos were so expensive. On Saturday night I ordered one 5X7 and 4 wallets and we are now $20 poorer...what a rip off. At least we will have one momento to have from the trip.

It so hard to believe that Kayden is almost a year old. She is starting to take steps, singing, pointing at everything, talking ALL the time and climbing the stairs (a favorite). We love our sweet pea and we are starting to talk more about growing our family. We are considering both adoption and possibly IVF/ICSI. We are waiting on God to show us his plan and that is the route that we will take. We are just excited to be a part of His great plan!

I would love to hear from you all! I will work this year to do more than one post a month...maybe two a week. Take care!


DeAnna said...

Glad you had good holidays! We said no Santa in our house too, but Isabella decided she was in love with him after watching the Polar Express movie this year. We still don't do the whole, let's leave cookies out for Santa and then spend money and let Santa get the credit, but she still was excited when she saw him. Oh well. :) I told Kenny that as long as she is believing in him, like she does Cinderella I'm ok, but I'm not going to tell her he's real because I'm don't want to lie her and I don't want Christmas to revolve around all the materialism. Thankfully, people would ask her, "So is Santa coming to your house?" and she would look at them like they are crazy, laugh and say "No" Anyway, can't wait to hear how the Lord leads you guys in growing your family. :)

The Journey said...

Hi Nakira,
I communicated with you a few times about my journey with infertility. My name is Lynn. Myself and my husband have finally relocated to NC and we are absolutely thrilled. I pray that you and your family continue to relish in all that God has for you.
God Bless,

CandCFamily said...

Nakira, let me know if you ever need information about IVF/ICSI. We did it, but lost our twins, we will probably try again. If not, then we will travel the adoption road like you guys did and I will need lots of advice.