
In Support of Adoption

On Sunday, April 27th, Kayden and I had the pleasure of attending a fundraiser in support of adoption. Our agency, A Child's Hope, co-sponsors the event with Hopeful Parents, an adoption support group created by adoptive parents of the agency. The event is held at the home of A Child's Hope president and it is a lot of fun. It is wonderful to connect with women that you met through the internet and to see the children that existed only in photos announcing the agency's latest placement.

On my ride back home, I begin to think of all the reasons that our family supports adoption.
1. Teh first reason is easy because it was the way in which God called us to grow our family. We were VERY open to the idea and we have been so blessed for being obedient.
2. As Christians, the Bible calls us to adopt. James 1:26-27, calls us to exercise pure and faultless religion, by caring for orphans and widows.
3. Adoption is the ultimate example of our relationship with Christ. As His children, he wants to adopt us ALL into his family, as stated in Ephesians 1:4-6. What a joy to experience the act of pure love that God experiences EACH and EVERY time that one of us gives our life to Him. Just to think that he thought enough of me to make that happen brings tears to my eyes!
4. Who could resist the unconditional love that comes from a child as cute as this:

Love to you all! Nakira

1 comment:

CandCFamily said...

Such a beautiful little girl!