
The Army Shower

Happy Friday! In our home, we have a three minute shower/water use rule. Me, I jump in and start to lather as soon as I get in, but my husband is smart. He installed super low flow heads on all of our showers and each includes a button to stop the flow of water. He gets in, wets his body, lathers up his washcloth and engages the stop flow button. He washes with no water running, then disengages the flow stop once he is ready to rinse. He calls it an "army" shower, but I call it a clever way to get around the rule. So, in our house, water conservation is a must so not only are showers limited, but there is no water running as you brush your teeth, no automatic toilet flushes after a number 1 :), no small loads of laundry and no dishwasher running...yes, we still wash them by hand!

It was nice this week to document the small ways that my family works to preserve the earth and its resources...thanks for the idea Mary! I now realize more than ever that every little bit helps!



CandCFamily said...

Okay, funny here.
If it's yellow be mellow,
if it brown, let it drown

Anonymous said...

I've loved reading your posts this week, Nak! It's amazing to see how every little bit adds up, isn't it? I'm impressed with all the things you do and happy that you have a new generation to share it with :)