
I'll Take the Wagon - Earth Day Effort Contd...

Okay, I admit it, I live in the suburbs, but I am a city girl at heart! I would quickly ditch my spacious home for a quaint two bedroom condo in an urban area. I would rather take public transportation and listen to my ipod on the way to work versus fighting traffic and praying for peace after some person cuts me off. I would love to be able to walk more places and use my car less.

I love to walk and we were blessed to move into a suburban neighborhood with a Food Lion shopping center within walking distance. Now when I need to run to the grocery store, pick up a quick dinner or get a hair cut, I throw Kayden in her wagon and I hit the street on foot. Although the distance is not that far, about a mile round trip, it feels so good to not be in the car. It is also such a good workout!

Now, if I could just convince the city to create more sidewalks, we could walk the mile and a half to the library.

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